NDA Open House Recap

The school has been meticulously cleaned and organized. Classrooms have been arranged and are filled with expectant teachers. The gym is full of coaches and students and trifolds and possibility. The doors are adorned with balloon arches of navy blue and gold. What do all these things mean for NDA? Well, it depends on who you ask, but overall, this means that Open House has arrived! The 2021 Open House was the first one that has been offered in person at NDA in almost two years, and to say the least, it was a huge success. Many prospective families were shown the building and learning spaces and got to experience all that NDA has to offer, from special clubs just for Cuvilly students to athletic programs. Although it all came together in the end, there was much planning and help needed from faculty, staff, teachers, admins, and most especially, the students.

The Open House was planned and organized by the admissions team, and they were able to work out all the details from opening ceremonies to tour routes to invitations and even social media promotion. However, when the actual days of Open House rolled around, the students and teachers became the most prominent in its success. Members of the 1804 Society took on jobs that varied from tour guides (both for prospective Cuvilly and ninth grade students) to club representatives to greeters. The club representatives and greeters were stationed at doors and in the gym to welcome all families to NDA and be available if any questions arose about club offerings or athletic opportunities. The tour guides waited for families to arrive and then were paired with 1-2 of them. These tour guides allowed the families to see all that NDA had to offer and also share personal experiences. While walking down the halls to the next classroom, many voices were heard talking about Heritage Day memories or explaining how the block schedule works.

Once the tour guides and families arrived at each classroom, they were greeted by passionate teachers and students. The teachers were assigned to classrooms representing their departments and they were prepared their subjects and answer any questions that may arise. Students present in each classroom were able to connect with the prospective students about their favorite subjects. Many times, the teachers would praise the tour guides on their ability to not only explain the subject and what was offered each year, but also how they were able to share their relations to a certain class or teacher and their favorite discussions or debates.

At the end of the tour, many families expressed their appreciation for the guides and all the other students who contributed to making NDA seem like the school for them; a place where they can thrive in academics, experience victories in athletics, and meet friends for life. After that Open House, I am sure the admissions team have high hopes for next year’s incoming students and the future of NDA. Notre Dame’s claim to create the next generation of female leaders was in full display and could clearly be seen and felt at this event!