Coffee: The Benefits and Dangers

Coffee: The Benefits and Dangers

As we approach the month of December, more and more teachers and students make their daily stop at their favorite coffee shops. Whether we order the ever popular Starbucks peppermint mocha latte or the Dunkin Donuts classic french vanilla, lets face it, we are addicted! However, most of us are discouraged from visiting our favorite barista in the morning either from our parents or doctor. Much to my dismay, I am greeted by name every morning at my quick stop. Recently, new research has come forward that links moderate coffee drinking with considerable health benefits. Yes, you heard me, coffee might be a good choice after all! But don’t swipe that credit card just yet, it’s still questionable. There are 2.25 billion cups of coffee consumed worldwide daily, according to the article, Moderate coffee drinking may prevent premature death and the girls of NDA most definitley contribute to that number. A recent study done by the American Heart Association found people who consumed a moderate amount of coffee experienced health benefits such as a lower risk of death from cardiovascular disease, neurological diseases, type 2 diabetes, and suicide. So if studying late the night before, I’ll give you the okay to pick up that coffee before your big test. But don’t too excited, coffee still has been found to negatively impact blood pressure and plasma homocysteine. Hopefully, more information willl come forward in the future to tell us the extent of the benefits. Until then, happy drinking, my friends!