Cuvilly Theater Production


Bravo! Congratulations to the 7th graders who performed an outstanding show and received a standing ovation for their rendition of the African folktale, Anansi the Spider. This African folklore is about a father spider, Anansi, and his six sons, Stone Thrower, Road Builder, Cushion, See Trouble, River Drinker, and Skin Slayer. Each of the sons has different talents that they use to help save Anansi when he gets into trouble. Anansi is almost swallowed by a fish and eaten by a falcon, but luckily his sons were there to save him. The 7th grade students took part in acting, lights, directing, sound, and singing. They performed their character dressed in costume and used a variety of different props.

Some of the Cuvilly students getting their make up and costumes for the next show!

While preparing to preform the show, the 7th grade students learned the process of what it takes to put on a play from start to finish. They learned how to be a director, how to manage the light and sound, learned how to work together, and experienced what it is like to be an actress on center stage. The 7th graders learned all about creating a performance from their theater teacher, Ms. Russell. Along with their theater production, the students sang two songs, “Circle of Life” and “Hakuna Matata,” both from Disney’s The Lion King. During the performance, there were drummers and other instruments being played for an exciting sound effect. The students learned this technique from their choir teacher, Mrs. Gentile. Throughout the preparation and production of the show, the students had a great time. They enjoyed this opportunity and had lots of fun! They can’t wait for the next show in the spring!