Just Ask “The Girl in the Green Kilt”


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Dear Girl in the Green Kilt;

I am a little overwhelmed with homework at night.  Does the workload get easier?




Dear Swamped
An easier workload here at NDA? Well, that’s not going to happen, but you do become more prepared to deal with it as the time goes on. Don’t be fooled into thinking that if you take lower level classes next year, you might not still be faced with a challenging workload and you might be less stressed. It is important to reach for those challenges around here. Let me give you some tips that can help you manage the workload. At homework time, start with your toughest class assignment first while you are a little fresher, and end up with your easiest assignment last when you are more tired.  Over time you will gain good study skills that will help better your academics. Another example is that you will be able to manage your time better and the workload will not faze you as much as it does now, don’t worry, you will adapt!
