Quizlet Tips & Study Habits You Can Use for Midterms
Not sure how to study for midterms? Don’t know any Quizlet hacks? Have no idea how to prep? You’ve come to the right place! The first thing to do is to prep for your study schedule. Now if you’re not the best with making schedules and plans because you are always busy, then sit down at least a week in advance and make a list of what topics you need to study. (This will only take about 20 mins tops depending on your classes.)
TIP #1: Start studying early for your exams because the information will work better with your brain and keep a steady flow of knowledge without pressure. Do NOT wait until the night before the exam.
TIP #2: Stay well-rested and get lots of sleep! Sounds good right?! A big mistake a lot of people make is staying up late on the night before their exam. Getting rest and sleep is the best thing for you and will tremendously improve your concentration for the exam. Another part to being well-rested is eating a healthy breakfast. Protein, vitamins, and other healthy nutrients are calming for the mind. Lots of added sugar might not be the best choice because you won’t be as relaxed during testing. But getting a healthy and balanced breakfast is very important.
TIP #3: Take as many breaks as you need! Taking breaks while studying will actually help the information sink into your brain and will help you remember it better. It’s true!
TIP #4: Power off your phone and put it in another room. Staying focused is the key to success on your exam. Period.
TIP #5: Do NOT over study. This is a crucial part of studying for long exams. If you over-study you are actually more likely to forget the information and get stressed during the test. If you’re asking yourself: how do I know if I am studying too much? Well, when you are studying and you are sure that you know what you need to know and you can answer things correctly or without long hesitation, then you are all set!
Quizlet is a great way to study in so many ways!
There are 7 ways on Quizlet to study: Flashcards, Learn, Write, Spell, Test, Match, and Gravity.
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Quizlet is more helpful than making flashcards because there are so many ways to study!