Sophomore Retreat 2016


On Wednesday February 3, 2016 the class of 2018 gathered in the Chapel to start off their sophomore retreat which had the theme of ‘pray your own way’. We first started with some games and then we separated into small groups. The small groups were holiday themed. Some of the groups were New Years Eve, Christmas, and Snow Day. From the chapel we walked over to Resurrection Church. After some ice breakers, students filled out a sheet that asked them different things that they liked to do, and based upon that it told you what may be your way of praying. We made our very own prayer boxes which we decorated and put our prayers into. Lunch followed with everyone’s favorite pizza, carrots, and cookies. After lunch we were able to do some quiet meditating, envisioning our favorite place and the things that surrounded us. When meditation was over, Play-Dough was handed out so that we could sculpt what we saw, or simply to just play with it. Each small group merged with another to join in on a skit based upon different Scripture readings and scenarios. We headed back to the NDA chapel where we separated into groups based on the way that we chose to pray. The final bell rang and students were dismissed. Overall it was a very fun and spiritual day.